
Detailed information on B2Run Lausanne

Here you will find all information about the B2Run Lausanne. You can find more general information about B2Run under Info from A to Z.
For further questions you can contact us by e-mail at or by phone on +41 41 726 17 11.

After Run Dinner

After the race, you will have the opportunity to recharge your batteries at the After Run Dinner. Participation is only possible with a voucher, which can be purchased in advance via the shop or at the information desk on the day of the event.

We offer various meat / veggie menus. The range varies from region to region and offers something suitable for every participant.

We do not accept seat reservations. Likewise, reservation of seats on the day of the event itself is not permitted.
However, when you book a team stand in our online shop, you can order the desired number of banquet sets (at least 4) exclusively for your company.

Bib collection

Please note that the team captain or their deputy picks up the bibs on the event day for their whole team and then distributes them to the runners. The bib collection stand is right next to the info desk at all events.

You can collect your bibs on race day from 5.00 p.m.

Changing room/shower facilities

We offer you a limited number of changing room and shower facilities on event site. These are located near the start and finish areas. Capacity is limited, so you may need to queue.

If you would like to hand over your valuables for safekeeping, bring your starterbag, which you will receive from your team captain alongside your bib, to the valuables safekeeping area. More information on this can be found under "Valuables".

Deadline for registration

Registration deadline B2Run Lausanne: May 13, 2024
Late registration deadline B2Run Lausanne: May 23, 2024

Changes can be made in the MyB2Run account up to two working days before the event. After that, last-minute late registrations and changes can be made directly on site at the information stand. Please note that no name can be printed on the start number for late registrations.

Food and beverage

Before the race: Water

During the race: Water stations approx. half-way round the course

At the finish: Alcohol-free beer, Focuswater and water

After the race: After Run Dinner (only with voucher, to be given out by the team captain if booked - on sale also at the info desk)

Getting there

We recommend you to travel on public transport to the "Maladière" station.

  • Bus Nr 1, 2, 6, 25

If you are travelling by car, you have to use the public car park in the surrounding area.

Centre sportif de Vidy
Avenue Pierre-de-Coubertin 9
1007 Lausanne

Info desk

Questions may arise on the day of the race itself. We will be at the info desk to help you with these.

The info desk is located in the start / finish area. Follow the corresponding signs or find it on the site map which we will publish before the event.

Starting procedure

To keep the flow of runners moving on the course as smoothly as possible, a number of different starting blocks are provided at the start of each B2Run. We ask all participants to line up according to their expected finishing time. You will find the following starting blocks in the starting area:

Starting blockWho is this starting block suitable for?
<20 minsYou are in top form and always aim for a PB. Regular training several times a week means you can run the whole distance faster than 4.5 mins / kilometre.
20-25 minsYou are fit, do a lot of sports and go running regularly. It is not just about being there - you want to really build up some speed.
25-30 minsIt's not the first time you've put on your running shoes, and you like to do sports. You will not cross the finish line with the leaders of the race, but you are quite a fast runner.
>30 minsYou are a beginner or occasional runner and have not trained specifically for this race. Or: For you it is mainly about enjoyment and you simply want to have fun with your colleagues and the other participants. The time it takes is irrelevant.
WalkingYou are registered in the "Walking" category, or you will walk the distance instead of running it.


With B2Run, we measure your running time using a timing chip that works like a stopwatch. This means you and all the other participants receive their individual time.

The timing chip is fitted on your bib. Your time starts automatically as soon as you cross the start line. And it also ends automatically when you cross the finish line.

Thanks to this system, it doesn't matter whether you leave the start line immediately after the starting signal, or line up at the back and only get to start a bit later. Your time only starts when you cross the start line.


We provide free safe storage for valuables for all participants. Please store your valuables in the starter bag provided and bring it to the valuables safe storage facility. After the race, your race number serves as the collection slip for your valuables. The valuables safe storage facility is signposted.

Please note due to limited space, we can only put B2Run starter bags in the valuables safe storage facility. Sports bags etc. cannot be left at the valuables safe storage facility. No liability is accepted for theft or other damage and losses.

Walking / Nordic Walking

Walkers / Nordic walkers are most welcome at the B2Run Swiss Company Run. In order to offer all participants the best possible running experience, there is a separate starting block for all walkers / Nordic walkers.

We ask all walkers / Nordic walkers to start from this starting block only. Thank you.